1. a fresh jar of peanut butter--Let's just say it's the simple things that make life great. tonight i opened up a brand spankin' new jar of jif (because i'm a choosy
2. getting a package in the mail--I don't know about the rest of you, but whenever i see that i have received an email from "wfu mail services," i freak out a little inside. even looking at those words typed out makes my heart skip a beat. i know, i know. i sound like a crazy person. it's just something about receiving a package that gets me pumped. i mean, seriously. who doesn't like getting mail? (unless it's taxes or bills or other boring grownup stuff that i wish i would never have to deal with). and then of course there's the suspense of walking to the post office and wondering what the package actually contains. next comes what i like to call the ol' slip discovery, which is when i open my mailbox to the glorious sight of a little slip (or multiple slips) of paper. if i've learned anything from getting packages in the mail, it's 1. i like getting packages in the mail and 2. the anticipation is half (or approximately 40% of) the fun.
3. letter writing--I absolutely love writing letters to people. call me old fashioned, but i believe that letter writing is becoming a lost art. i'm telling you people, technology is literally taking over the universe. i think the world would be a better place if people would just write letters instead of emailing. letters i actually read. emails, ehhh it depends. does that make me out of touch with modern society? maybe. sorry bout it.
4. gummy bears/worms/vitamins--Basically i love gummy everything. call me an addict (actually don't..someone might get the wrong idea and that would be embarrassing.) i'm just obsessed with those things. it all started when my mom got some to bribe her preschoolers with and left some extra at home. naturally, i ate them and have been hooked ever since. of course i've been on the gummy bandwagon for awhile now; however, it was not until recently that i became what you might call a gummy aficionado.
5. abbrevs--obvi i've already given you a little taste of my obsesh with abbrevs. yeah, it might be kind of annoying. yeah, i might sounds like a middle school AIM obsessed girl. but that's fine with me. i'm a fan of efficiency; therefore, i am a firm believer that abbrevs prevent people from wasting time. see? abbrevs are totes fab and useful.
Clearly, this is not an exhaustive list of my fave things. we would literally be here forevs if i tried to do that. all this is is a small glimpse into just a few of the many things that make me happy. on that note, i will leave you, oh few and loyal readers (actually i don't even know if you're loyal. i just like to think that you are), with a quote about happiness because quotes are (surprise!) another one of my fave things. peace and blessings.
"happiness is a warm puppy." -charles m. schulz
(fun fact: puppies are also one of my favorite things, so this quote is doubly cool. additionally, "doubly" is one of my favorite words ok i'll stop. this is getting ridiculous.)